Week 4 Reflection: Halfway Through
During 4 weeks at #GenerasiGIGIH maybe I’ll make an analogy with a common natural event, like thunderstorms. Why I make an analogy like that because at the beginning I was quite struggling with the material that was quite fast and I need to repeat the material to understand better, yeah that’s one of the things I got struggling I needed a lot of repetition to be able to understand the material presented. However, after week by week, I was finally able to find new friends, I enjoyed the material even though I still struggling with that, but so far I’m proud of myself because I still survive and try to be able with this Level, I also finally understand the material being conveyed. Well, like thunderstorms, even the beginning some getting inconvenient or tried hard to understand, finally I found meaningful, useful things and I got connections.
My efforts are 1–100% in the learning process at GenerasiGIGIH maybe I will give 75% because there is still a kind of material that I can’t I understand correctly. But, at the same moment, I still trying hard and get to the finish line even though I have to try more. Then, to improve it I try to make conversation with my peers, I thankfully found great peers who can be discussed and we can solve it together. Furthermore, I wrote down any points that I don’t understand, I make a small summary so I can learn it.
To my comrades in arms, I want to ask you “how you learned ??? 😂😂”
Maybe I can learn from your experiences or we can make a connection. ✌