Final Reflection: I AM GROWTH

Eko Sugeng Cahyadi
2 min readAug 30, 2021


As a Back-End Engineer Learning Path for 6 weeks. I have learned that making an application or website is not just creating a program and then succeeding. But, many things need to be considered, so that the product can run properly as it should. Now I know that making an application product is not only just running code without any errors. There may be invisible errors that must be considered when doing Unit Testing or TDD.

The skills that I have developed over the past 6 weeks are how to make a project neat and easy to understand, my English skills are getting honed, and my development plan has been growing since I joined the IDP.
Now I need to practice a lot about programming, try to use English in every discussion or share with friends, and be more active in writing self-development plans regularly

The most habit that I growing is trying to keep walking even though it’s too late even though you don’t understand, keep going because we don’t know which meaning we can take. Then, the passion for writing can support us in the process, writing a lot is also one of the habits that I do today.

If it is measured in percentages, I will give 80% in my following the learning process with GenerasiGIGIH. Because I know a lot about how a Software Engineer works, what needs to be prepared, such as skill sheets, soft skills, etc.

I’m still proud of myself even I still haven’t been able to maximize what the chance giving to me because I’m lacking in preparing myself with technical class material, I’m a lot confused about the material given, I still feel inferior to my friends who are good at it.
However, in every technical class, that I encourage the programming material, I write it down and develop it at another time. Even at the end of the technical class session I was still inferior to my peers, I try to finish the program as long as I can



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